Akorn Education

Specialised STEM/STEAM Education Programs & Partnerships.

Based in Melbourne, Australia.


Years of Operation


Excited Students


Successful Programs


Satisfied Schools

Akorn has linked communities to learning since 2001. Our programs offer tangible positive benefits to students, industry and the broader community. Leadership development is a key focus of all the programs offered by Akorn.

Programs we Offer






Host Organizations


Program Partners


"I really enjoyed this program because it gave us the chance to complete a project that meant something in real life . We weren’t just given a brief that meant nothing to us, we learnt about people with disabilities and then figured out a way to improve their lives. I also loved designing 3D printing designs and using the 3D printers . This program helped me to realise what engineers actually do, and I now realise that it is a possible career path. This program has had a big impact on me and I will remember it for a long time."

Full STEaM Ahead


Student, Padua College

"The students from my school enjoyed the chance to team build with other schools and collaboratively problem solve . The day was very well structured and just the right length to keep all participant fully engaged. Students have come away from the event with a better understanding of how good design can help solve some of the issues society faces today . The whole day was a very worthwhile experience for both students and teachers."

Cardboard Engineering Challenge


Teacher, Catholic Regional College – St. Albans

"We were blown away by the enthusiasm, ingenuity and engineering problem solving shown by the students. In one day, they developed concepts far beyond any of our expectations and that resemble the solutions we are implementing in the field."

Daniel A'Vard

Vice President – Victoria Region, Engineers Without Borders Australia

"Akorn’s Full STEaM Ahead programs provide young people with not only the opportunity to experience STEM but also to engage with the community, technology and industry whilst gaining access to Engineers and other professionals. I am pleased and proud to be an ambassador for Akorn’s Full STEaM Ahead programs. Our young people are our future, and having been a mentor for a number of Akorn’s programs to date, I am excited about what the future holds. I’ve been impressed with their ideas and what they bring to life through design and prototyping – it’s wonderful to see how proud they are at the completion of the program."

Benita Husband, CEO – pitt&sherry (Engineering Consultancy)

Deputy President & Committee Member, Engineers Australia – Victoria Division, FIEAust, CPEng, RBP(Vic), BE (Hons), MBA

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